C++ is an object-oriented programming language with a wide range of functionalities. It is a middle-level programming language (with features of both low-level and high-level programming languages) that can be used to create both low-level (drivers, kernels) and higher-level (games, GUI, desktop applications, etc.) applications.
It is compatible with a variety of operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and Mac. In this article, we will briefly cover the major essential features of C++ programming language.
What Is C++ Programming Language?
C++ is a versatile and powerful programming language that is an extension of basic C programming. It introduced the object oriented programming concepts, which helped developers create modular and reusable code with classes and objects. It is a popular choice for system software, game development, and other critical operations. It contains a lot of special features, such as Standard Template Library (STL), which helps in implementing various operations.
Also, it supports compile time polymorphism, which provides flexibility in designing complex algorithms. It is a popular choice among software developers, and in this article, we will shed light on some of the important features of C++ programming language to help you choose the best one.
Also read: Difference between C and C++
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Top Features of C++ Programming Language
There are many options that come to mind when we think of choosing a programming language. C++ is one of the most famous programming languages available to us. Also, check the comparison between the two most popular languages, C++ or Java. Each programming language has their own benefits and perks. There are different and valuable features of the C++ programming language that we will cover here.
Simple And User Friendly
When it comes to programming languages, C++ is one of the most straightforward. C++ is an upgrade of the C programming language, which makes it easier to understand and learn. Despite being a simple programming language, it can be used to develop high-level games and projects.
Object Oriented Programming
The main difference between basic C and C++ is object-oriented programming. C++ follows the concept of OOPS, which includes classes, members, polymorphism, inheritance, abstraction, etc., which leads to easier maintenance and development.
- A class is a predefined blueprint or prototype from which objects can be created. It represents the set of properties or methods shared by all objects of the same type.
- Object: It is a fundamental unit of the Object-oriented Programming language that represents real-world entities.
- Polymorphism refers to OOPS’s ability to distinguish between entities that have the same DNA sequence.
- Inheritance is the mechanism that allows one class to inherit the features (fields and methods) of another.
- Encapsulation is the process of encasing data into a single unit. It is the mechanism that connects the code and data that it manipulates.
- Data Abstraction is the property that allows only the most important details to be displayed to the user. The user needs to be shown the trivial or non-essential units.
Also read: OOP Principles: 4 Principles of Object Oriented Programming
Platform Dependent
C++ is a programming language that can only be run on the operating system on which it was developed and compiled. It is incompatible with any other operating system. C++ is not platform-independent but portable enough to allow for minor changes.
Structured Programming Language
C++ employs structured programming, a programming technique that generally converts large, complex programs into small, manageable pieces of code. These small pieces of code are commonly referred to as functions or modules of larger, more complex programs. As a result, it is known as modular programming, which allows for easy comprehension and modification.
Mid-Level Programming Language
C++ has the ability to do both low-level and high-level programming, which is why it is also referred to as the mid-level programming language. When we talk about low-level programming, C++ is used to develop system applications such as the kernel, driver, etc.
Rich Library
The C++ library is jam-packed with built-in functions that save significant time during the software development process. It includes almost every type of functionality that a programmer might require during the development process. As a result, time is saved, and development speed is increased.
- <cmath>: contains math functions
- <ctime>: contains function for changing time and date
- <fstream>: contains functions for performing input from and output to files on disk.
As C++ originated from C, it also maintains pure CASE sensitivity, implying that lowercase and uppercase characters written in code will have distinct meanings and receive different treatment. Unlike HTML and MySQL, C++ is case-sensitive.
Dynamic Memory Allocation
Variables in a C++ program are allocated to the dynamical heap space when it runs, whereas variables inside functions are allocated to the stack space. We frequently do not know how much memory is required to store specific information in a defined variable, and the required memory size can be determined at run time.
Memory Management
It also supports dynamic memory allocation, which allows us to allocate variable or array memory during execution. Unlike in Java or Python, memory must be manually de-allocated when it is no longer needed.
Also read: Java vs C++ Performance, Speed, Efficiency, and More!
The central processing unit (CPU) feature known as multithreading enables two or more instruction threads to run concurrently and independently while sharing the same process resources. An independent set of instructions called a thread can run concurrently with other threads belonging to the same root process. A single process can carry out several concurrent tasks, thanks to multithreading. Comparing multithreaded programming to conventional parallel multiprocessing programs can speed up machine learning algorithm training for data scientists. Since C++ does not come with built-in support for multithreaded programs, the operating system must provide it.
Powerful and Fast
It is a fast language because its compilation and execution times are relatively short. It supports numerous data types, functions, and operators.
Syntax Based Language
C++ is a language that strictly adheres to syntax. A tight syntax-based language is one that strictly follows rules and regulations. It follows a skeleton to maintain the flow of the code.
Integration and Extensibility
Object-oriented support allows C++ programs to be maintainable and extensible, allowing for the creation of large-scale applications. C++ can integrate and implement newer features easily. It has been used successfully in various applications, including mobile app and game development, software development, web browser development, and bank applications.
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