Operators are integral features of any programming language. C++ is no exception. C++ provides a wide range of operators that perform various operations on data. These allow programmers to manipulate and transform variables and values in their code. The C++ & (ampersands) operator is one of the widely used operators that serves multiple purposes depending on its context. This tutorial delivers a detailed overview of the C++ & operator.
What is an ampersand operator or & operator in C++?
In C++, the & operator is a versatile symbol. C++ users can use it for various purposes like bitwise operator, address-of operator, reference operator, etc. Pointers, References, and Dynamic Memory Allocation are the most common and robust programming features of & operator in C++. These help programmers manage and access memory locations efficiently. Transform your skills and master the essentials of C++ programming with Physics Wallah’s courses.
Let us delve into more details about the different uses of the & operator in C++:
The Address-of operator (&):
The address-of operator, denoted by the unary ampersand (&), returns the memory address of the operand. The most fundamental use of the & operator is as the address-of operator. When users place it before a variable, it returns the memory address of that variable.
Code Snippet:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int a = 19;
int* point = &a;
cout << “The address of the variable a is :- ” << point;
return 0;
When we used the & operator as an address-of operator, it stored and returned the address of the variable a using &a. We assigned it to the pointer point. It is essential in dealing with pointers and dynamic memory allocation. The address of the variable number is 0x7ffd5037140c.
We also used a pointer (* or asterisk). It is a variable that stores the memory address of another variable. Pointers provide a way to work with memory directly. It is a powerful feature of the C++ programming language, which allows dynamic memory allocation, manipulation of data structures, and efficient access to memory locations. Using pointers, users can access addresses and manipulate their contents.
Real-life implementations of C++ address-of (&) operator:
Programmers can use the address-of operator in various real-life scenarios for tasks such as memory management, function parameter passing, and interaction with hardware. Let us dig deeper into these real-life implementations:
- Dynamic Memory Allocation:
One of the most common use cases for the address-of operator is in dynamic memory allocation using a new” operator.” When users need to deal with variable-sized data structures or when the data size of data is unknown at compile time, programmers can use the & operator.
Code Snippet:
#include <iostream>
int main() {
// Here, we allocate memory for demo dynamically
int* demo = new int;
// here, we are using the address-of operator to store the address of the allocated memory
int* addressof = &(*demo);
*demo = 19;
std::cout << “Getting the variable at the dynamically allocated memory: ” << *addressof << std::endl;
// importantly, users must free the allocated memory to avoid memory leaks
delete demo;
return 0;
- Pointer Arithmetic and Array Access:
Programmers use the & (address-of) operator with pointers for efficient array access and manipulation. For example:
#include <iostream>
int main() {
int arr[] = {34, 86, 96, 56, 98, 87, 67, 50, 88, 94, 46, 65};
int* point = &arr[0]; // Obtaining the address of the first element in the array
for (int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {
// we accessed the array elements through a pointer (*)
std::cout << *point << ” “;
return 0;
Here, the pointer point we initialized the pointer variable “point” with the address of the first element of the array. It allows efficient traversal and returns the elements of the array.
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Advantages of the address-of operator in C++:
The address-of operator is powerful and efficient in many cases. Here are some critical advantages of address-of operator:
- Efficient Data Manipulation:
When programmers use the address-of operator, they can easily modify data in memory. Thus, accessing data through pointers and & operators allows for more efficient manipulation.
- Compatibility with Legacy Code:
The address-of operator facilitates compatibility with code. This is because C++ often uses libraries and codes written in C programming language.
- Bitwise AND Operator (&):
When programmers use the & operator as a binary operator, it performs a bitwise AND operation between corresponding bits of two operands. It means the & operator compares every bit of the operands one by one (the first bit of the first operand with the first bit of the second). And when both the bits are 1, the corresponding resultant bit is 1, else 0.
Code Snippet:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int a = 0000101, b = 1010100;
cout << “a & b = ” << (a & b) << endl;
return 0;
In this example, we used the & operator for bitwise AND. It compares each bit of a and b and returns the corresponding result as 0.
Here is a table showing how the bitwise AND operator works:
a | b | a&b: |
0 | 0 | 0 |
0 | 1 | 0 |
1 | 0 | 0 |
1 | 1 | 1 |
Real-life implementations of Bitwise AND (&) operator in C++:
Programmers can use the C++ bitwise AND (&) operator in real-life cases for tasks involving bit-level manipulation, flag checks, and masking operations. This section will highlight some use cases of C++ bitwise AND operator in real-world:
- Flag Checking and Manipulation:
In several applications, users represent flags or status indicators using individual bits within an integer or other data types. Programmers can use the bitwise AND operator to check and manipulate these flags.
Code Snippet:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
int main()
const int readFlag = 10101; // Bit 0 is representing read permission
const int FLAG = 01100; // Bit 1 is representing write permission
int flag_permissions = readFlag | FLAG; // Combining flags
// Checking if read permission is set
if (flag_permissions & readFlag) {
std::cout<< “Flag is accepted!”;
In this example, we used the C++ & as bitwise AND to check if we have set the read permission flag in the flag_permissions variable.
- Bitwise AND in Networking:
Programmers can use the & operator as bitwise AND in networking. When they want to manipulate IP addresses or subset masks, they use this Bitwise operation. For example:
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <bitset>
// Here we use a function to check if the IP address is within our subnet
bool checking_IP(const std::string& IP_Address, const std::string& subnet, const std::string& subnetMask) {
// Here we are converting the IP address, subnet, and subnet mask to bitsets
std::bitset<32> IP_Bits(std::bitset<32>(std::stoul(IP_Address, nullptr, 0)));
std::bitset<32> subnet_Bits(std::bitset<32>(std::stoul(subnet, nullptr, 0)));
std::bitset<32> subnet_MaskBits(std::bitset<32>(std::stoul(subnetMask, nullptr, 0)));
// Here, we are applying bitwise AND operation between our IP address and subnet mask
std::bitset<32> resultant = IP_Bits & subnet_MaskBits;
// Checking if the result matches the subnet
return (resultant == subnet_Bits);
int main() {
std::string IP_Address = “”;
std::string subnet = “”;
std::string subnet_Mask = “”;
if (checking_IP(IP_Address, subnet, subnet_Mask)) {
std::cout << IP_Address << ” is in the subnet ” << subnet << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << IP_Address << ” is NOT in the subnet ” << subnet << std::endl;
return 0;
Here, we used the std::bitset to perform bitwise AND operations on the IP address and the subnet mask, represented in binary form. Then, we converted the IP address, subnet, and subnet mask from string representations to unsigned long integers using std::stoul. This code assumes IPv4 addresses and simple subnet masks. Programmers can further add error checking, handling IPv6 addresses, and considering the latest network-related libraries or structures in real-life scenarios.
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Advantages of using Bitwise AND operator:
In this section, we will discuss some advantages of bitwise AND operation in terms of efficiency, compact representation of flags, bit-level manipulations, and binary data operations:
Efficient Bitwise Comparison:
While using the bitwise AND operator, programmers can test whether specific bits are set or unset without affecting the other bits in the value during bitwise comparison.
Performance Optimization:
Bitwise operations, including bitwise AND (&), can be more efficient than their logical counterparts when working with individual bits. It improves performance in scenarios where speed and memory efficiency are the top priorities.
Reference Operator (& in function parameter declarations):
In C++, when users use the C++ & operator as a reference operator in function parameter declarations, it specifies that a parameter is a reference. This declaration allows us to pass the parameter by reference rather than by value. It means that the function will work directly on the original data instead of creating a copy of the data.
Code Snippet:
#include <iostream>
#include <bitset>
void modifying_Val(int& reference) {
reference = reference * 5;
int main() {
int n = 8;
std::cout << n;
Here, we used the “int& reference” declares a reference to an integer. The function modifying_Val modifies the original variable n directly.
Real-life Implementations of Reference Operators in C++:
The real-world use case of the C++ reference operator is to enhance code efficiency and readability and to facilitate features like pass-by-reference. Let us delve into these applications of the reference operator:
- Pass-by-Reference in Functions:
One of the best real-life implementations of the reference operator in C++ is when declaring function parameters for pass-by-reference. It allows a function to perform on the original variables directly. It avoids the overhead of copying large objects. For example:
#include <iostream>
#include <bitset>
void swapping_Values(int& m, int& n) {
int demo = m;
m = n;
n = demo;
int main() {
int a = 40, b = 30;
std::cout << “Before Swapping:” << ” ” << a << ” ” << b << “\n”;
swapping_Values(a, b);
std::cout << “After swapping the values of the variables:” << ” ” << a << ” ” << b;
Here, we used the reference operator to swap the values of the two variables.
- Large Objects:
When programmers deal with large objects like structs or class instances, they can use the reference operator to avoid the need to create copies of the entire object. It leads to to fast performance.
Advantages of Reference Operator in C++:
The reference operator (&) in C++ provides several advantages, such as enhancing code readability, efficiency, and flexibility. These are as follows:
- Avoid Object Copies:
Programmers can use the reference operator to avoid unnecessary copying of objects. It is essential when working with large or complex data structures. It helps in reducing memory usage and enhancing program efficiency.
- Return by Reference:
In C++, functions can return references. It allows for chaining of operations and alteration of the original data directly. It contributes to more expressive and concise code.
- Function Overloading:
Programmers can use the reference operator in function overloading. It helps them use the same function in different scenarios, taking different types of parameters, including references.
Logical AND Operator (&&) in C++:
The Logical AND operator (&&) in C++ is a binary operator that operates on Boolean values. The bitwise AND operator (&) operates on bits, while the logical AND operator performs only Boolean logical operations. It returns true if both operands are true. Otherwise, it returns false.
Code Snippet:
#include <iostream>
int main() {
int a;
bool student;
std::cout << “Enter the age: “;
std::cin >> a;
std::cout << “Are you a graduate? (1: if you are graduate, 0: if not): “;
std::cin >> student;
if (a >= 18 && student) {
std::cout << “You can get the admission here!\n”;
} else {
std::cout << “You are not eligible for a student discount.\n”;
return 0;
In this example, we used the logical AND operator to check whether a student is eligible for admission. They will enter their age. If the age is greater than or equal to 18 and the student graduated, they can get admission. It implies if both conditions are true, the code informs the user that the student is eligible. Else, it notifies them that they are not eligible.
Here is a table showing how the Logical AND operator (&&) works:
a | b | a&&b: |
false | false | false |
false | true | false |
true | false | false |
true | true | true |
Real-life Implementations of Logical AND operator (&&):
Some of the real-world use cases of the Logical AND operator are as follows:
- Network Programming:
In network programming, programmers can use the logical AND operator to check multiple conditions. These can ensure the successful establishment of network connection and client authentication.
For example:
#include <iostream>
bool connectionCheck() {
return true;
bool authenticationCheck() {
return true;
int main() {
if (connectionCheck() && authenticationCheck()) {
std::cout << “The client is connected and authenticated.\n”;
} else {
std::cerr << “The client connection fails or unsuccessful authentication.\n”;
return 0;
Here, we used the logical AND operator to make decisions based on two conditions. If both the client connection and authentication are true, the && operator will return true, i.e., return the if block. Otherwise, it will return the else block of the program.
- File Processing:
Another standard use case of the logical AND operator is to check multiple conditions when processing files. It helps verify file existence and check permissions.
For example:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
int main() {
std::ifstream f(“demo.txt”);
if (f.is_open() && f.good()) {
// since we are using an arbitrary file name, the function cannot open it
std::cout << “Successfully opened the file.\n”;
} else {
std::cerr << “Cannot open the file!\n”;
return 0;
We tried to open a file using the logical AND operator. The operator checks whether the file meets both conditions. Then, it returns a message accordingly.
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Advantages of Logical AND Operator (&&) in C++:
Here are some benefits of using the logical && operator in C++:
- Prevents Null Pointer Dereferencing:
When programmers use the logical AND operator in scenarios involving pointers, it prevents null pointer dereferencing.
- Efficient Boolean Operations:
The logical AND operator allows precise representation of conditions where the provided conditions must be true. It improves the readability of the program.
Difference between & and && in C++:
Meaning | & operator | && operator |
Operation | & operator performs bitwise AND on individual bits. | && performs logical Boolean operations on operands. |
Use | Programmers can use it to declare reference parameters in functions. | Programmers can use it in conditional expressions and logical operations within functions. |
Effect on data | Obtains the memory address | Does not obtains the memory address |
Example: | int x = 10; int* ptr = &x; | int a = 5; int b = 3; if (a > 0 && b > 0) |
C++ with DSA Course: Make the Right Choice
We hope this article has given a comprehensive idea of the & operator and how diverse it works when dealing with different situations across a C++ program. Initially, we saw its use case as the address-of-operator that allows accessibility to memory from the compiler.
Then, we saw how it can help manipulate the bits of information when utilized as a bitwise operator. Next, C++ can overload its functionality to make it work as a reference operator. Lastly, when used twice without whitespaces, it gets implicitly overloaded to perform logical Boolean operations.
We have also shown multiple real-world implementations of the & operator in C++. If you want to enrich your knowledge regarding C++ programming language, then you should opt for Physics Wallah’s courses provided on this link. They cater to top-grade self-paced courses on C++ like C++ with DSA Courses, etc.
C++ & operator FAQs
What does the bitwise AND operator (&) do in C++?
The & operator performs a bitwise AND operation between corresponding bits of two operands. Further, it has other implementations like address-of operations, reference operations, and logical AND operations.
Can we overload the & operator in C++?
Yes, we can overload the C++ & operator using the bitwise AND operation.
Describe one common difference between & and &&.
The & operator is to perform bitwise AND operations and && for logical AND operations.
How does bitwise masking work in C++ using the & operator?
Bitwise masking involves using the & operator to precisely set or clear specific bits in a binary representation by using a mask.
Does short-circuiting work with the && operator in C++?
Yes, short-circuiting does work with the && (logical AND) operator in C++.